
写真に写っている女性の子孫だと名乗る男が館内にいたので、彼に写真の女性たちが辿った道について尋ねてみた。写真の女性(祖母)がマラッカの屋敷で育った最後の代の人で、母の代からマレーシアの他都市やシンガポールに渡り移った。アメリカ人と結婚した兄弟もおり、孫の代はマレー語と中国語を話せない子どももいるという。写真の女性は老後に娘一家と共にシンガポールへ移住し、マラッカで伝統文化を守りながら家族みんなが同じ屋根の下に住んだのは写真の女性の代が最後だったらしい。住む人がいなくなったマラッカの家は、博物館となった。 IMG_20141226_114852


置身在博物馆中,感到外面快速变化的世界和久远的历史完全不同,馆内弥漫着一股薄雾般的气氛。我浏览着展品,一个疑问在脑海中闪过: 在马六甲的现代化进程及城市旅游业的发展进步之时,佩戴着这些珠宝类饰物的人们在何处过着怎样的生活?黑白照片中佩戴着宝光闪烁的装饰物的女子们的服饰应该也是随着华人向马六甲以外流动,以及街道面貌的变化而变化。

我在馆内遇到自称是照片中其中一位女性的后代。根据他的陈述, 那些照片记录该女子的人生轨迹。照片中的这位女性(他的祖母)是在马六甲的老屋中养育成长的最后一代。从她母亲那一代开始家族成员逐渐移居到马来西亚的其它城市或者新加坡。她的儿子作为一名会计师在新加坡工作,她的外甥与美国人结了婚,孙辈们已经不会马来语和汉语了。照片上的女人年老后与女儿一家居住在新加坡。她是遵循马六甲的传统习惯老人与子女生活在一起的最后一代。

3Being inside the Straits Chinese Jewellery Museum, I wondered about what had transpired to the former owners of the jewellery on display there. The resources held by the Malaccan Strait Chinese were obtained by conducting international maritime trades supported by governments in power at the time. As Malacca became modernized and many Strait Chinese left Malacca for larger cities in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, the lives of the men and women who were the original owners of these jewellery, whose photographs in black-and-white are displayed within the museum, must have changed in tangible ways.

I met a man at the museum who introduced himself as the descendant of one of the women whose photograph is displayed. According to him, the woman in the photograph was the last person in his family to live in Malacca; her children had relocated to other cities within Malaysia and to Singapore. He has a brother who married an American, and some members of the family within the grandchildren’s generation who are unable to speak Chinese already. The photographed woman had eventually relocated to Singapore to live with her daughter, and her generation was the last generation where the family lived together in Malacca following Strait Chinese traditions. The emptied house was turned into a museum