


jm-jewelry-gallery-a-1再也没有比海峡华人珠宝博物馆更适合 “眼福” 这个词的地方了。六百多年前,明朝时期的郑和航行到马六甲。视当时在马六甲海峡刚建国的马六甲王国为驶向印度洋的基地,招抚了马六甲国王。因此马六甲王国在郑和舰队的保护下成长起来,中国舰队停航以后中国商人仍来来往往。王国作为东西方贸易中继港达到了繁荣的顶峰。这样的中国商人在马六甲的子孙后代们拥有的珠宝在海峡华人珠宝博物馆展示。精细的项链、手镯、鞋、瓷器、戒指等等,都是受中国的设计花样影响,由中国、印度以及斯里兰卡等地的工匠们精心打造的。珠宝馆里展示着数百件珠宝首饰和工艺品。

我在金银灿烂,绚丽华贵的展品面前带着点感动凝神细看。马六甲的华人最喜欢的是中国南部传统风格的带红色的金首饰,镂空或不镂空的各种玻璃雕件。有盛开的樱花或鸟的图样的镙钿。向江西或广东特别定制的瓷器。中国吉祥物的“牡丹 “和”凤凰“图案的,桃红色,蓝色,淡绿色等马六甲流行的淡淡的柔和的色彩的餐具。中国有名的瓷器产地景德镇专门为马六甲所烧制的瓷器也有展出。

The Strait Chinese Jewellery Museum is a pure delight to the eye. During the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He, a seafaring eunuch explorer employed by the Emperor’s Court, travelled to African and Arabian Peninsulas with ships packed with Chinese porcelains, He founded stockades along the shipping lanes of Southeast Asia, one of which was based in Malacca. In the 15th century, Malacca was the midway point on the maritime crossing between China and the lands along the western rim of the Indian Ocean. Sailors from Zheng He’s fleets built homes and storehouses on the Straits of Malacca; many settled there permanently, with only one-tenth of the crew members returning to their homeland, and their descendants living in Malacca became known as the Strait Chinese. The Museum contains beautifully crafted jewellery, along with ornately decorated costumes popularly worn by the Straits Chinese, giving a glimpse of the days when their culture had blossomed at its zenith.

The craftsmanship was superb – an intricate and intimate collection of items, with gold smith tools, opium bongs, altars, wedding accessories, jewellery, anklet, earrings, clothing, desks, and sofas, tastefully and elegantly displayed. Particularly exquisite were mother-of-pearls with pictures of cherry blossoms and birds fitted inside the pearl, and porcelain dinnerware with peonies and phoenixes drawn on them in light pastel shades of pink, blue, and green, colors that are a feature of Malaccan art. Many of the items were custom made and imported for Malaccans from Southern China, known for its porcelain craftsmanship.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc