




我虽然在北京等处看到过比马六甲更有气势的文化古迹、更华丽的建筑物及书籍,但是,就马六甲而言,尽管它是东、西方文化汇合、冲撞的小镇,对在三种文化的哺育成长的我来说,更可以引起内心的共鸣。因此,我初次踏上这块土地 就喜欢上了。由于自己从心底厌恶东亚国家间无休止的纷争,发现居然存在着马六甲这么一个地方令我感到了安慰。在那里,远离历史束缚以及封闭感,有一种”翻开新的篇章”,“从泥泞中解放出来”的清新感。


The main reason I was drawn to Malacca is the city’s multifacetedness, and values of tolerance and harmony. Malacca, over the course of its history, has been infuenced by multiple countries such as China, India, Portugal, Holland, England, and Japan, and is also a major tourist attraction in Malaysia; however, it is also a small town whose Polish and Chinese central districts can be walked across in under several hours. Chinese and Indian cultures does exist there, but needless to say, the Chinese culture has its origin in China and Indian culture has its origin in India: neither cultures have originated in Malacca. However, Malacca is special in that I have not been to an Asian city where distinct cultures have existed in harmony alongside each other to the extent that they do in Malacca.

I have seen larger, magnificent architecture and cultural relics in other cities like Beijing, but it was only in Malacca, a true crossroad of the East and the West,  that I was able to find a reflection of my own multi cultural upbringing. I fell in love with the city at first visit and it’s stayed with me ever since. In light of the never-ending political conflicts amongst countries of East Asia, I found great comfort in the fact that a place that values mutual respect and tolerance among cultures like Malacca actually exists. I felt released from the clutch of the conflicted history and mistrust that weighs down heavily on each country in East Asia, and was refreshed and lightened.

Looking out of the boat that circles around Malacca Strait as it left the shore and city centre fell from view, I took comfort in knowing that when needing a respite from the commercial hustle bustle of Singapore, I can always come to Malacca for refreshment and relaxation.